Steven Spielberg P

Hi! I am Steven Spielberg P, I plan & build things.

I am interested in Machine Learning (Reinforcement Learning, NLP) for Control, Ads, Search, discovery, data & growth based products in both research and industrial production setting. I have been a Research scientist and Software Engineer building scalable systems at Amazon including Large Language Models for Alexa.

  • Amazon Web Services - Commerse Platform

    I am the Product Lead (Science & Eng.,) for

    1. AWS FactStore - a version control system for big data & ML model.

    2. AWS Data Platform (ETL) product that supports Analytics use cases across AWS.
  • Amazon Ads Economics Technology

    I was the Product Lead (Science & Eng.,) for Amazon Ads - an ML & RL based Pricing system that processes search queries in to decide showing advertisement or organic contents.
  • Amazon Alexa

    I managed ML infrastrucutre initiaves for Alexa Communications products. 1. Alexa Photo Sharing. 2. Alexa EE/ Vodafone integration 3. Alexa Emergency Helpline 4. Alexa, Send a Hug 5. Alexa Music Sharing
  • Amazon House Hold Organization

    I helped built Alexa's Natural Language Understanding ML model, the then one of the largest language models (LLM) in the world along with systems like Alexa for email.
  • Synopsys (Previously Black Duck Software)

    I developed & launched a new product that uses a custom trained NLP Language models to mimic lawyers decision on legal documents.
  • University of British Columbia

    I was the one of the first to combine Deep RL advances with process control with 5+ publications, changing the strategic direction of our lab.

    Fun Fact: I was named after the Director Steven Spielberg!

    I am also a creative person and web designing (using HTML, CSS, JS) help me explore my artistic abilities from scratch and this website is a testimony to that! Also, I got to have schooling in different parts of the world (7+ different schools) chasing after many meritorious scholarships for my high academic standings (ASK scholarship for my highschool, University Endowment Scholarship for my UG, Mitacs Scholarship for my PG) to successfully migitate the challenges in my family and it is my moms tenacity and endurance that she supported me to pursue my dreams.